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This is a great analysis of history but it fails to put that history of the occult, and its impact on the movement of the 1960's, and early '70's in a wider perspective.

Human evolution has long been guided by mystery school initiates, and other highly attained humans. Often they work a bit in the shadows of society. It's not just coincidence that Siddhartha Gautama, or the Buddha, who never claimed to be anything but a man, and God incarnate, Christ Jesus, left no written records. Neither the Buddha nor Christ Jesus were mystery school initiates but Jesus was only the Christ for the last three years of his life after baptism by John. Then he was crucified. Changing humanity can be very dangerous. Even God incarnate gets murdered through a blood sacrifice.

Some mystery school initiates like Pythagoras, and Plato did leave written records as did others in the mid -19th-to-early-20th Centuries like Gurdjief, and the genius, Rudolf Steiner. Edgar Cayce wasn't a mystery school initiate but his rigorously documented readings of the Akashic Record sparked a revolution in consciousness that started the alternative, wholistic health movement that continues to this day, and will only grow stronger with RFK, Jr. shaking up the criminal NIH, FDA, and USDA. He'll impact all of it as will Trump's other team members.

Theosophy was a movement that released deeply significant occulted information. FDR's V.P., Henry Wallace, was a brilliant, very decent man who was a Theosophist. He was engineered out of a nomination to be president by dark occult forces which also operate in the shadows.

The Criminally Insane Asswipes (CIA) infiltrated the counterculture that began in the late 1950's because it could see where society was headed which was toward self-directed liberation from their war mongering, permanent state of violence, fear, and engineered human conflict for purely greedy, power-hungry, narcissistic monetary gain. These people are sick as Q repeatedly stated. They are sadly, very, very psychologically disturbed, and many are sexual abusers of children.

The occult is a deep topic, and unfortunately none of the writers on Substack, including the brilliant Matthew Ehret, cover it very well, mostly misreprenting it with broad brush strokes.

Timothy Leary, Charles Manson, a good deal of the self-indulgent, self-destructive, and however appealing music of bands like the Doors, and many others of their era were partly creations of "intelligence," military, and otherwise, as were a number of the agitators of that era so to cause division among an older pre-and-post WWI, and WWII generation. The CIA overthrew our government by murdering JFK to install a socio-psychopathic criminal LBJ.

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